Today i co-washed with Motions CPR conditioner, which i left on for an hour and a half. I usually alternate between henna, garlic conditioner, moisture and protein. The Motions CPR is a mild to moderate protein so i've been told. I felt that my hair was not feeling so thick after moisturizing the heck out of it for three days. Too much moisturizing makes my fine hair look thin and over softens it after a while, so i figured i would use the protein to give it strength and thickness (i always get thickness from protein conditioners)well i applied this conditioner like i usually do, like doing a relaxer touch up. I put on a plastic cap, wrapped a towel around my head for 1 1/2 hours and did some work on the computer. I rinsed in the shower. I detangled in 4 sections and did not do my usual moisturizing and sealing in 3 sections. I wanted to see how my hair felt without all the moisturizer, so i let it air dry in 4 sections. As my hair started to dry, it felt so hard, i knew that it was the protein, so i did my moisturizing and sealing in 4 sections. I decided that i wanted to keep the thick feeling, so i did not use too much moisturizer or oil. Well, it was a good idea, cause when i did use less moisturizer and oil, my hair felt great with just enough moisture and strength. I am learning to listen to my hair, lol, as it constanly changes. Caring for fine hair is a constant battle so i must keep on top of it. Knowing you hair is the first step to healthy hair. I finally feel i'm winning the battle.
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