After feeling my hair and deciding that it looked too thin and felt very weak, i feel that i needed a protein treatment. I did not want to do a hard protein because i am 11 weeks post and hard protein would also make my new growth very hard too. I had seen other hairsistas do an egg treatment and got good results, so i figured i would try mixing an egg into a conditioner concoction (i had never used eggs as a protein conditioner before)I know with a hard protein or henna, i always got strength and thickness, but how would adding eggs to my conditioner make my hair feel? Well, i'm glad i finally tried an egg conditioning mixture. I co-washed and deep condition with the egg mixture for 1 hour, applying it in sections like when applying a relaxer. I put on a plastic cap, wrapped my head in a towel, let it sit for 1 hour, rinsed. I then detangled (it was so easy to detangle and my hair felt so soft), air-dried and moisturized and sealed. Then twisted and pinned my hair up, and put on my silk scarf for the night. I love how my hair feels, strong and moisturized and the new growth is so also, with this mixture, maybe i can stretch for another month, we'll see.
The Mix
1 egg
v05 champagne kiss
hollywood beauty olive cholestrol
almond oil
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